Bob & rachel hagan - 1992 (covell)

Hagan has played a leading role in Davis for 46 years:  

—DPNS:  founding director

—Little League umpire, assistant coach

—Boy Scouts:  helped with sons’ troops, often assisted Eagles

—UCD Faculty Club Board

—Cal Aggie Christian Assn:  arranged to buy their current house

—UNA Davis Chapter:  President 

—Dav Com Church:  he and Rae founded Mariners, deacon, elder

—Davis Rental Property Assn. Bd to develop Davis Model Lease

—One of few male members of Davis League of Women Voters

—Davis Rotary 40 years: very active, does Meals on Wheels

—I-House:  Board, President, oversaw the extensive renovation, very involved

—Davis Sr Housing & Care Continuum (URC):  leading role

—Yolo Co. Water Resources Board since 1979

—Yolo Co. Flood Control, Water Conserva. Dist., chair of both

—UCD’s Magnar Ronning Award for Outstanding Teaching

Bob would not have been able to accomplish nearly as much had it not been for Rae, who had her own activities, but who supported him in everything he did.  They were a team.


Awards presented at the Chamber Dinner January 22, 1993, at the University Club