bill & nancy roe - 1987 (covell)

Nancy was deeply involved in

—Davis Schools:  PTAs starting in 1977, President Emerson, North. Coordinated & taught mini-class series for 5 years at North 

—International House:  Put together culture kits

—Family Service Agency:  1986 Recognition Award

—U Farm Circle:  1985-87 Program Community, Membership Chair

—Davis Community Church:  Sunday School teacher 3 years

—Mental Health Association co-chair of House Tour

—Davis School Arts Foundation:  founder

—CAAA:  Helped found it, gave it new life, president ‘81

—Pence Gallery Board: her idea to use sponsors for each show 

—Helps with all of her children’s organizations.

Bill is willing to help wherever needed:

—Davis Art Center:  Board 1986-87, head of New Building Committee

—Rotary Club:  President-elect 87-88, instrumental in building Pence Gallery Stage, I-House parking lot 

—Rotary District 516:  1986-87 Chairman for selecting all Rotary Scholars.  Co-chair of huge 1982 District Annual Conference

—Aquadarts:  instrumental in both design and construction of snack bar/meeting room/storage buildings

—Deeply involved in Little League, AYSP, CofC, DHS

Together Nancy and Bill often host 18-20 Rotary Scholars at dinners, house and feed individual visiting students.


Awards presented at the Chamber Dinner Jan 22, 1988, El Macero Country Club