donna lott - 2001 (covell)

Lott is a real leader and advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves, compassionate and highly competent about how communities can serve the needs of all its citizens

—League of Women Voters:  member of many study units in welfare, affordable housing, maternal, child and adolescent health, protection of foster and dependent children, and many more

—She recently wrote a bill for restoration of MCHA funds and her plea to her League’s constituents was so well written that it caught the attention of Leagues all over the state

—Bike paths for Davis:  one of her early projects

—Davis’ Sister-City Project with Qufu, China:  president, she has traveled there three times since 1991 to build communication among many other things

—Yolo Housing Committee, a social service committee

—Maternal Child Health Advisory Board

—Welfare to Work, Community Services Action Board


Awards presented at the Chamber Dinner January 26, 2002, Cantina del Cabo