Peggy epstein - 1981 (covell)

Epstein has been involved in:

—League of Women Voters, director.  Was official observer to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors, Voters’ Service Director, and on numerous speakers’ bureaus to explain local and state bond measures. 

Main project when president three year

—Working with a coalition of civic groups for the passage of a “package” of five local bond measures in 1969, including Covell Boulevard Overpass, Emerson Site Civic Center, Neighborhood Parks, Sewage System, and East Davis Swimming Pool.

—Pence Gallery.  Leader in its formation in 1975, was first president, and has continued active participation  

—Civic Arts Commission three years, President

—Friends of the Davis Library, very involved

—Davis Veterans Memorial Center.  Leader in planning it

—Davis Art Center, ‘81 chaired search to find new director


Awards presented at the Chamber Dinner January 16, 1982, El Macero County Club