will lotter - 1970 (Covell)

Lotter, who received his Ph.D in 1960 from UC Berkeley, came to UCD in 1952 as assistant football coach and head baseball and track coach, then became head football coach for 10 years.  He was also very involved in Davis.

—Chair, City Recreation Commission, after spearheading the present Davis recreation program

—Helped local schools establish their sports programs

—Ran free clinics for little league players, coaches and stay at home moms interested in tennis

—City Master Plan Development Committee 1954-57

—Chief of Indian Guides

—President, Davis Human Relations Council

—Member, Commission for Migrant Children, got day care center

—Davis Child Care Commission, officer of 1970 UN Commission 

—Leader and Volunteer founder of STEAC

—Instrumental in the formation of Diogenes House

—Cal Aggie Christian Center Fund Committee

—Awarded the 1970 Danforth Fellowship for outstanding teaching and for promoting good relations between faculty and students


Mayor Asmundson presented the award Friday, January 22, 1971, at the Chamber Dinner at the El Macero Country Club.